Headgear of Heroes

Hello! I’m Dr. Bayly, and I’ll be helping you on your journey through The Universe Within. This module is called Headgear of Heroes! Do you know what headgear is? Its’ something you wear on your head, in our case something that has a function.

In Headgear of Heroes, you’ll create a superhero character that takes on a major social or environmental problem in your world. You’ll make a headdress and tools that will help your superhero solve the problem in your world. In The Pedestrian Carnival, you’ll have the chance to share with others all the wonderful things you invented and made with your hands.

Dr. Bayly

Unit 1


20 videos


3 minutes long

Create Your Own World

Open Your Imagination

Lesson 1

Today, you’ll take a personal journey to the imagination center inside of you! You’ll begin this adventure with a daily practice that could change their lives and the world around you. It’s The Daily Doodle. Capturing your ideas in a notebook every day is a valuable tool that will help grow your imagination and make your ideas become reality.

Start by deciding, If you had the power to change one thing in the world, what would it be? 

Enter The Time-Space Dimension

Spark Your Creative Genius

Lesson 2

Today, you’ll meet the creative genius inside! That’s right every one of us is born a genius. However, in order to keep the inner creative genius alive, you’ve got to keep using your imagination every day. Use investigative techniques to open your mind to new ideas and information. 

Start the journey of solving your problems by asking a few questions. What causes the problem? Why does it need a solution? Who benefits from the solution?

Orbit In A Circle

Launch The Mission

Lesson 3

Today, you’ll launch a mission to help solve the problem in your world. A mission is an important assignment or job. Imagine the change will happen because of your actions.

Think about who will benefit and how they’ll benefit. Create a compelling title for your mission and write a paragraph about your assignment that inspires others to help you.

Rotate Round Your Center

Create 2D Shapes

Lesson 4

Today, you’ll explore the world of two dimensional geometry by making a kit of cardboard shapes. After you make cardboard shapes, draw them in your notebook, so you can see how points and lines connect to make shapes on a single flat plane. These shapes with straight lines form angles between two lines and a point. Find as many types of angles as you can!

Define Your Boundaries

Become The Problem Solver

Lesson 5

Today, you’ll learn how to become the ultimate problem solver by using the sciences. Scientists solve all kinds of problems and improve our lives with inventions like the iPhone, artificial limbs, robots and space probes.

You’ll decide which one of four basic sciences will help you solve the problem in your world. If you want, identify a field of study within your basic science that will help you solve this problem.

Make A Time Marker

Discover Your Superpowers

Lesson 6

Today, you’ll develop your character’s superpowers by discovering your real-life talents and strengths.    

As your character gets ready to take action, you’ll make a list of the things you’re good at and use your strengths to design your character’s superpowers. Your strengths are the parts of you that come naturally. Select three powers that your characters will use to help overcome the problem in your world.

Move From Simple To Complex

Measure 2D Shapes

Lesson 7

Today you’ll learn about the building blocks of geometry: points, lines and plane and how they relate to each other to create different types shapes and forms. Practice drawing some of the shapes in your cardboard kits using points and lines.

Measure lengths of sides and types of angles, writing dimensions directly onto the shapes. Then count the number sides and measure the length of the sides of shapes in your kits. Finally calculate the area of a square, rectangle and two triangles that you’ve drawn.

Become A Force Of Nature

Draw Your Portrait

Lesson 8

Today you’ll try something totally new and draw yourself with your eyes closed. As you draw with eyes closed, you’ll perceive yourself in a new way. As you get ready to draw, use internal awareness to notice if there are parts of the body that stand out. If so, take time to add detail to that area of the drawing.

Once your portrait is complete, see if any physical features you drew could be linked to the Superpowers you previously selected.

Discover The Notion Of Motion

Circle Round Your Head

Lesson 9

Today you’ll learn about circumference by measuring the distance around your head to create a headband for your headdress. Circumference, also known as perimeter, is the ratio of a circle’s circumference to its diameter. It’s used to measure the distance around only curved figures.

Make a circle headband that fits snuggly on your head. Measure and record the circumference, diameter and radius of your headband. You can calculate the circumference of your headbands using two formulas for pi.

Create Your Own World

Build Your Base

Lesson 10

Today you’ll build a base structure for your character’s headdress. Expanding on your headband, you’ll add more dimensions to your headdress. The base structure and the parts you add will determine how the headdress functions.

Add more shapes to the base to test the strength of the shapes, and record what you’ve discovered. Draw your headdress base and reflect on what types shapes you added and how you attached them. 

Model Your World In 3D

Make Patterns With Shapes

Lesson 11

Today, you’ll begin to construct your character’s headdress using the power of patterns. The key to creating a pattern is that the components of the pattern must follow a given rule that orders how the numbers, colors, shapes and sounds are arranged.

Make shape patterns and decide what rule you’ll use to organize those shapes. Use regular geometric shapes…like circles, squares, rhombuses…and unusual shapes too as long as you can make them again for you shape patterns. The patterns will need to fit somewhere on your headdresses. 

Pick Up Your Speed

Unleash Your Superhero

Lesson 12

Today, you’ll construct more of your character’s headdress and unleash your superhero. Refer back to the superpowers you previously identified for your character. Then learn about different superhero types and select a few that could best represent your character. 

Add the cardboard patterns that you previously made to your headdresses. Make new shapes, icons and symbols to further reveal what superhero powers your characters possesses. Add those shapes to their headdresses at different angles using attachment mechanisms.

Write A Circular Story

Make Patterns With Words

Lesson 13

Today you’ll write a poem about your character using the power of patterns. Choose from three different  poem formats and use an Idea Web to explore all the things you could share about your world.

You’ll be the main character and write the poem from your perspective.

Interact With Opposite Forces

Gain 3D Perspective

Lesson 14

Today you’ll step into the third dimension….of space! Connect real life objects, a party hat, soda cans, a basketball and a box to what are called a cones, cylinders, spheres and cubes in 3D geometry.

Make a 3D shape from a template and use dotted lines to show perspective on a 2D piece of paper.

Play The Game Of Motion

Play Around With 3D Shapes

Lesson 15

Today you’ll play around with 3D shapes on the computer. Work in groups to spin the shapes around and explore how they look from different angles.

As you do so, try to identify the number of faces, edges and vertices for different shapes.

Put Your Machine To Work

Put Your Headdress To Work

Lesson 16

Today you’ll build parts of your headdresses that have functions. Consider how important the headdress is, as one of the most important part of a character’s costume.

Referring back to all your ideas in The Daily Doodle, explore how the physical features of their headdresses can be assigned a specific function to help their characters solve the problems in their worlds. 

Design Your Group Exhibition

Wrap Up Your Sculpture

Lesson 17

Today you’ll wrap your head around the surface area of 3D shapes, and wrap-up your sculpture. Then attach the cube to your sculptural headdress, exploring where it might naturally fit.

Practice using estimations and formulas to calculate the surface area of parts of your headdress.

Create Your Own Space

Follow Your Purpose

Lesson 18

Today, you’ll learn how important costumes are, especially when you get a little nervous in front of others, as a way to help stay focused on the character you want to portray. You’ll use your headdress as a tool to make you feel more confident by creating purposes for the functions you previously identified.

Think about what does a tool do? Why does it do it?

Set The Stage

Get Into Character

Lesson 19

Today, you’ll put on your characters’ headdresses and see things in a whole new light. As you rehearse with the functional costumes you’ve made, you’ll prepare for The Pedestrian Carnival, which is a casual parade where you get to share your work with others.

Let’s move beyond the negative voice you hear in your head sometimes and call on the inner superhero to gain strength.

Showcase Your World

Play Your Part

Lesson 20

Today, you’ll get ready for the most fun and important day in The Universe Within! We’ll parade around and share your most amazing creative work as world-builders!

You’ve taken on the role of scientist, engineer, mathematician, writer, costume designer, and now performer so that you can share what you’ve created from your world and others can enjoy it!