Your contribution supports more programming for The Universe Within! Gifts help us develop new activities for Module 4, called Making Music, as well as providing student scholarships, materials and teacher stipends. Mat Bevel Company does not use any donations for admin costs.
MBC is seeking financial support to develop and launch a fourth module called Making Music as well as to produce new video segments for modules 3 and 4. Videos are so important because they quickly prepare participants with key learning concepts so that they can succeed at all activities. Hundreds of students have already benefitted from The Universe Within. Your gift helps us reach more kids at schools, at home and in clubs in Southern Arizona and beyond.
Your contribution helps our team produce more creative educational content with four important components:
- Opening 3-minute videos with instructions by University of Arizona Math Professor Dr. Bayly’s animated character, and demonstrations and tips by peer mentors
- The User Guidebook with everything a teacher, parent or program director needs to guide activities including learning objectives, success criteria, step-by-step instructions, standard alignment and resources
- The Daily Doodle student notebook with all sequential worksheets
- Students kits with all materials for building headdresses, tools, machines and models
In addition, we test and refine each module at locations in Santa Cruz County so that when you’re ready to use the program, everything is smooth sailing!